About Us

PEARL enables anyone to learn beneficial Islamic knowledge from anywhere in the world.
About US

Who Are We

Academy PEARL is an Educational Institute that offers various programs to anyone who wishes to learn about Islam. The programs are all designed according to the Qur’aan, Sunnah and Sunnah of the Companions and have proven to be beneficial to those who have participated.

Our Goals

Our aspiration for youth, parents/adults and non-Muslims.

Our Da'wah

Our creed and methodology.

Our Profile

Professionalism, Authorization of High Esteem and Cutting Edge Tools

The Goals of Academy PEARL


In general, the Academy aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Calling to pure Islam
  • The transmission of the correct ‘aqeedah and the methodology of the Prophet salla-llaahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam based on the interpretation of the Companions
  • Offering various Islamic programs and courses for different target groups
  • Putting the knowledge into practice
Young people

The young people are the main target group of the Academy, as they face a variety of problems in many facets of their lives. They are the future, and the Academy is convinced that tarbiyah and education are among the most powerful and effective means of achieving positive change.

With regard to young people, the Academy aims to achieve the following goals:

  • To offer young people the opportunity to  enter a path to pure knowledge;
  • To convey Islamic knowledge to young people in an educational and engaging way;
  • Educating the youth according to the practical manner of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the Companions, and the scholars who have followed this path;
  • Letting young people participate in the process of calling to Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta’aalaa
  • To (support) and guide young people in their different phases of life, by offering various Islamic courses and training that is needed
  • Providing young people an alternative to sinful and harmful activities whether on the streets or online, by offering them Islamic courses and training that enable them to live according to the right norms and values ​​in their communities and societies. This will enable them to maintain their own Islamic identity and be able to integrate and participate in the societies they live in;
  • Combating and preventing extremism, through which people radicalize and turn to disrespect towards those who think differently, and in the worst case to violence in the name of Islam;
  • Combating and preventing immorality, crossing Islamic and legal boundaries, by preventing young people from ending up in a criminal circuit, or by taking them out of that circuit;
  • Supporting young people in areas that are needed.

In addition to specifically offering courses and training to young people, the Institute also wants to focus specifically on parents, by offering them appropriate support in raising their children. By operating in this area, the home front can already contribute to an improvement of the upbringing. In addition to specific upbringing, attention will also be paid to other aspects that parents encounter with their children.

The Institute strives to:

  • Support and guide parents in the upbringing of their children
  • Provide various educational and educational courses and training for adults

The Institute also wants to focus specifically on non-Muslims, by building a bridge between them and Islam and Muslims. In view of the changing relationships within society, and the tensions this can sometimes entail, the Institute considers it very important that non-Muslims receive the correct information about Islam.

The Institute strives to build a bridge between non-Muslims and Muslims, for example by organizing introductory courses with Islam and organizing lectures at various institutions.

  • Achieving the pleasure of Allah subhaanahu wa-ta3aala.
  • The return to the Qur’aan, Sunnah and Sunnah of the Companions and those who follow them.
  • To disseminate all Islamic knowledge that all target groups need in an educational practical way according to its priorities.
  • Educating the Muslims through the foundations of the 3aqeedah, behavioral ethics and the da3wah.
  • Reviving the pure Tawheed both educational and educational and warning of the shirk in all its forms.
  • Reviving following the evidence and fighting any kind of fanaticism towards a particular madhab, party or person. And fighting all forms of al-bid3ah.
  • Fighting all forms of exaggeration including takfier and tabdie3.
  • Reviving the correct understanding of al-Jamaa3ah and combating the dispersion of the Muslims within the framework of the Sunnah of the Prophet salla-laahu 3alayhi wa sallam.
  • Creating a bond and togetherness between all layers of the Muslim community, whereby everyone takes their responsibility so that we all take a path towards a righteous Islamic life.
Establishment & Authorization

The acquisition of knowledge is a very lofty, great and important obligation for every Muslim. Since the acquisition of knowledge is one of the main obligatory worships, it is crucial that one can acquire reliable knowledge according to the Sunnah.
Despite the fact that there is a great need for them, there are currently no reliable Islamic training institutes in the Netherlands, taking the foregoing matters into account. In view of the sublimity of gathering knowledge, and in order to subsequently be able to support the Muslims in the Netherlands in the right way in this obligation, the Institute for Education & Education with the will and help of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa in the year 2006 founded by brother Suhayb Salam, son of Shaykh Ahmad Salam.

The Institute, with the will and help of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa, has succeeded in providing reliable knowledge in an authorized manner to anyone who seeks it. The Institute was founded for brothers and sisters who are looking for reliable knowledge, at the level of beginners and advanced. In particular, the Institute seeks to build a bridge to the young, so that they learn and practice the right knowledge, and then carry out the call to Islam correctly.

In order to ensure reliability and confidentiality, the Institute is recognized, supported and authorized in imparting knowledge by various scholars, including Shaykh Abu Suhayb Ahmad Salam and his disciples. In addition, the Institute has a close cooperation with the Islamic Foundation for Education and Transfer of Knowledge and the El Tawheed Foundation.