Islam Studies I

A one and a half year course to acquire the required knowledge.



Start Training



Do you really want to gain knowledge about your beautiful religion, but you only have the opportunity to do that once a week? Register now for the Islam Studies I course.

Lesson Days & Lesson Times

Islam Studies I for both brothers and sisters
Location Lesson Day & Time Start Date Sign-Up Deadline
Online Tuesday 18:00 – 22:00 TBD
Online Friday 18.00 – 22.00 hrs TBD
Online Thursday 10am – 2pm TBD
Online Wednesday 18:00 – 22:00 TBD

The classes are on weekdays from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm or on weekends. Depending on the number of registrations, a Course will or will not start. So make sure you register on time and invite others to register. If a course does not start, the entrants will be notified by email.

If you have missed a sign-up deadline, you may try to sign up once more.

General Description

The Islam Studies I Program

  • Offers the Muslim and Muslima the opportunity to acquire the obligatory knowledge of Islam in just two years.
  • Is taught in a practical way, in which the student is Islamically trained
  • Includes the Islamic creed, the legal teachings and instructions of the main worships and the foundations of Islamic education.
  • Provides structured knowledge according to Islamic priorities and guidelines.
  • Offers the student the opportunity to acquire Islamic knowledge in the English language.
  • Contains two annual six-day Islamic conferences on nurture and education, in which full courses are intensively followed and completed.
  • Uses teaching material based on the pure Aqeedah and a methodology based on the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the sayings of the Companions. Together with the explanation of the scholars of Ahlu-ssunnah Wa-l-Jamaa’ah.
  • Contains teaching materials based on the original Arabic sources.
  • Offers the student the opportunity to progress to and be admitted to the Basic Islamology course.
  • Should not be underestimated. It offers the basis for three fundamental courses in an intensive, in-depth and integral manner. The training is therefore not limited to basic matters but goes into them in an in-depth manner.

The Islam Studies I program is suitable for anyone who:

  • Wants to follow an intensive and authorized training course in a short time.
  • Wants to gather reliable and valuable knowledge.
  • Wants to fulfil the obligation of gathering knowledge.
  • Does not yet have in-depth knowledge of this beautiful faith.
  • Would like to learn to apply the knowledge in practice.
  • Only has the opportunity to seek knowledge once a week.

Goals & Method


Through this training, the Institute strives to…

  • To attain the satisfaction and pleasure of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa
  • To assist the Muslims with their obligation of acquiring knowledge in order to save themselves from the worldly and the torment of the  hereafter;
  • To improve the ummah from its root and create the basis for a good and healthy ummah with taqwaa and akhlaaq;

Teaching method

  • The student is motivated to deal with the acquisition of knowledge in a concentrated and serious way.
  • The material is discussed in class together with the teacher, after which the teacher explains the material read and offers the opportunity for questions.
  • Through the weekly assignment of homework, the student will be tested and evaluated on the presented material
  • In addition to handing in homework every week, the student is expected to write and hand in a summary periodically.
  • After the homework has been handed in, students will be tested on previous lessons.This enables the instructor to assess the level of the students’ comprehension (of the material) and adjust accordingly
  • The student also learns which terminology and phrasing to use and how the knowledge should be formulated and eventually put into practice
  • All programs and courses of the Institute focus on Education and even more so on Nurture. In addition to acquiring knowledge, attention is also paid to practising the knowledge and Islamic norms and values.
  • On the basis of Islamic aspects of education, the student learns how to put the norms and values ​​into practice towards the teacher, fellow students, other Muslims, and non-Muslims in his environment.

Course load and Subjects

Course load

The student is expected to attend each class every week and to spend four hours a week at home reviewing the material.

Subjects covered:
The following subjects are taught in this course:
1: Al-3aqeedah (belief):
  • Al-Eemaan
  • Faith in the Angels
  • Faith in the Books
  • Belief in the Messengers
  • Believing in the Last Day
  • Believing in al-Qadar
  • al-Ihsan
  • A-Ssiraat al-Mustaqim
  • The Sins
  • The thinking diagram
2: Fiqh: This course covers the following topics:
  • the cleansing
  • the Salaah (prayer)
  • the Siyaam (fasting;
  • Zakah;
  • Legislation on food/drink and clothing
3: Islamic education, including:
  • Akhlaaq
  • The rights of:
    • Muslims
    • non-muslims
    • Parents
    • Neighbors
    • Family
    • Brotherhood
    • Scholars
    • Etc.
  • Pious rules of conduct:
    • sincerity
    • Shame
    • Justice
    • Choosing the right friends
    • Etc.
  • Bad Rules of Conduct
    • Arrogance
    • Pride
    • Injustice
    • self-proud
    • Show off
    • Gossip
    • Espionage
    • bad friends
    • Etc.

Study Material

Field of Study Study Material
Tawheed (belief) Tawheed Simplified
Al-Fiqh (Legal Doctrine) Al-Wadjiez/ Appointment with the King
Islamic education Various books

The student receives the study material in the second lesson of the first academic year. The study material is therefore entirely provided by the Institute. I.e. so that the student does not have to buy his own study material all the time. There are no additional costs for this because the costs of the study material are already included in the tuition fee for the course.

Review and Follow-up


Every week the student receives homework assignments for the following week for the various subjects.

Diploma and follow-up opportunities

When the program has been completed positively, the student will receive a diploma. Through this training the Muslim can:

  • Fulfill his obligation of acquiring knowledge;
  • Be admitted to the Islam Studies II course to gain further knowledge about this beautiful religion.