Islam Studies II

A three-year course to educate yourself in ahaadieth, sierah nabawiyyah and tafsier.



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Do you really want to increase your knowledge about your beautiful religion? And have you already completed Islam studies I? Or did you complete the equivalent of Islam Studies I elsewhere? Register now for the Islam Studies II course!

Lesson Days & Lesson Times

Islam Studies II for both brothers and sisters
Location Lesson Day & Time Start Date Sign-Up Deadline
Online TBD TBD
Online TBD TBD
Online TBD TBD
Online TBD TBD

The classes are on weekdays from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm or on weekends. Depending on the number of registrations, a Course will or will not start. So make sure you register on time and invite others to register. If a course does not start, the entrants will be notified by email.

If you have missed a sign-up deadline, you may try to sign up once more.

General Description

The Islam Studies II Program

  •  Is a three-year course that offers Muslim men and women the opportunity to continue to acquire valuable knowledge in an accessible manner after completing the Islam Studies I course.
  • Ideal to combine with a busy job and/ or studies, as only 4 hours of lessons are delivered once a week.
  • Is taught in a practical manner, in which the student is nurtured Islamically.
  • Includes the comprehensive hadeeth collection of Imaam a-Nnawawie (40 Nawawie), the biography of the Prophet Muhammad salla-llaahu 3alayhi wa-sallam (Seerah), the explanation of a part of the Qur’aan (Tafseer), methodology of ahlu-ssunnah in acquiring knowledge and performing da3wah (Manhaj) and a da3wah training.
  • Provides structured knowledge according to Islamic priorities and guidelines.
  • Offers the student the opportunity to acquire Islamic knowledge in the English language.
  • Uses teaching material based on the pure 3aqeedah and methodology based on the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the sayings of the Companions. In doing so the explanation of the scholars of ahlu-ssunnah wa-l-jamaa3ah is used.
  • Contains teaching materials based on the original Arabic sources.
  • Offers the student the opportunity to progress to and be admitted to the three-year Islamic Sciences program.
  • Provides the foundation of five fundamental subjects in an intensive, in-depth and integral manner. The training is therefore not limited to basic matters, but covers  them in an in-depth manner.

The Islam Studies II program is suitable for anyone who:

  • Already has a solid basic knowledge of this beautiful religion.
  • Wants to follow an intensive and authorized training course in a short time.
  • Wants to gather reliable and valuable knowledge.
  • Wants to fulfill the obligation of gathering knowledge.
  • Would like to learn to apply the knowledge in practice.
  • Only has the opportunity to seek knowledge once a week.

Goals & Method


Through this training, the Institute strives to…

  • To attain the satisfaction and pleasure of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa
  • To provide the Muslims with their obligation of acquiring knowledge in order to save themselves from the worldly and the hereafter punishment
  • To improve the ummah from the root and create the basis for a good and healthy ummah of taqwaa and akhlaaq
  •  To enable the Muslims, who have a solid basic knowledge but cannot (yet) make enough time for intensive courses such as Islamic Sciences, to continue to acquire knowledge and to be educated even more Islamically.

Teaching method

  • The student is motivated to deal with the seeking of knowledge in a concentrated and serious way.
  • The material is discussed in class together with the teacher, after which the teacher explains the material read and offers the opportunity for questions.
  • The student receives homework assignments every week, consisting of think, feel, do and say assignments, in which the teaching material is also immediately put into practice and the teaching material in-shaa’-Allaah will also directly lead to improvement in the student.
  • The practical assignments involve all areas the student interacts with, such as family, friends, work, school, street, etc.
  • The student also learns which terms and wording he should use and how the knowledge should be formulated.
  • All courses of the Institute stand for both Education and Nurturing (Tarbiyah).
    In addition to acquiring knowledge, attention is also paid to practicing the knowledge and the Islamic norms, values and behavior.
  • On the basis of Islamic aspects of Tarbiyah, the student learns how to apply the norms and values towards the teacher, fellow students, other Muslims and non-Muslims in his environment.
  • Guidance is also available throughout the week via the Group Message Application guidance via a 1-to-1 call if there are any questions or the need arises.
  • New habits are learned such as obligatory things, and then recommended things, Islamic thinking, feeling, acting etc.

Study Load and Subjects

Study Load

The student is required

  • To be present in class every week
  • To spend an average of four hours a week at home on self-study for studying the course material and doing homework.

Course offerings

The following subjects are taught in this course:

1: 40 Nawawi: in this course you wil learn
  • The correct understanding of the narrations of the Prophet salla-llaahu 3alayhi wa-sallam
  • How to apply the teachings from the narrations of the Prophet salla-llaahu 3alayhi wa-sallam in your own life
  • The narrations of the Prophet salla-llaahu 3alayhi wa-sallam are taught in a comprehensive and practical way.
2: Tafsier: in this course you will learn
  • The foundations of a-ttafseer
  • The detailed explanation of Suratu-l-Fatihah
  • The explanation of the last part of the Qur’aan
  • Understanding the Words of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa
3: Seerah: in this course you will learn
  • The biography of the Prophet salla-llaahu 3alayhi wa-sallam
  • Learn lessons from the seerah to apply in your own life
4: Manhaj: in this course you will learn
  • The method of gathering knowledge according to the guidelines of the Sunnah
  • The method of calling to Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa according to the guidelines of the Sunnah
5: Da3wah training: in this course you will learn
  • Practical basic definitions for performing da3wah
  • How to guide converts
  • How to perform street da3wah,
    da3wah in your family and in your environment

Study Material

Field of Study Study Material
40 Nawawie Explanation of the 40 Nawawi ahaadeeth
Tafsier Translation of al Misbaahu-l-moneer by: Brother Suhayb Salaam
Sierah Biography of the Prophet salla-llaahu 3alayhi wa-sallam
Manhadj Manhaj Booklet by: Brother Suhayb Salaam
Da3wahtraining Introduction to ‘100 Ways of Da3wah’ by: Shaykh Abu Suhayb Ahmad Salaam Translated by: Brother Suhayb Salaam

The student receives the study material in the second lesson of the first study year. The study material is therefore entirely provided by the Institute. This means that the student does not always have to purchase his own study material. There are also no additional costs for this, because the costs of the study material are already included in the tuition fee for the course.

Review and Follow-up


Every week the student receives homework assignments for the following week for the various subjects.

Diploma and follow-up options

When the program has been completed positively, the student will receive a diploma. Through this training the Muslim can:

  • Fulfill his obligation of acquiring knowledge;
  • Be admitted to the Islam Studies II course to gain further knowledge about this beautiful religion.