Islamic Family Studies

Islamic relationship course, parenting and first aid course for children



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The Islamic Family Studies course is a unique course that covers all facets related to Islamic family life, from the road to marriage, to the adolescence of the children.

Lesson Days & Lesson Times

Islamic Family Studies for both brothers and sisters
Location Lesson Day & Time Start Date Sign-Up Deadline
Online TBD TBD
Online TBD TBD
Online TBD TBD
Online TBD TBD

The classes are on weekdays from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm or on weekends. Depending on the number of registrations, a Course will or will not start. So make sure you register on time and invite others to register. If a course does not start, the entrants will be notified by email.

If you have missed a sign-up deadline, you may try to sign up once more.

General Description

The Islamic Family Studies Course

  • Is an amazing and unique course which, with the Will and Help of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa, is provided only by the Institute, and is offered to both brothers and sisters.
  • Covers all facets of the Islamic family household, from the road to marriage up to the adolescence of (future) children.
  • Is taught in a practical manner in which the student is educated Islamically.
  • Contains two 6-day Islamic parenting and educational conferences annually, in which full courses are intensively attended and completed.
  • Provides structured knowledge according to Islamic priorities and guidelines.
  • Uses teaching material based on the pure 3aqeedah and methodology based on the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the sayings of the Companions. The explanation of the scholars of ahlu-ssunnah wa-l-jamaa3ah is applied.

We thank Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa for all the favors He subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa has bestowed upon us, including the possibility that He subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa has enabled us to provide this amazing course in-shaa’-Allaah.

The Islamic Family Studies course is suitable for:

  • Any adult Muslim, regardless of whether one has children or not, and/or is married or not.
  • Anyone who wants to gain reliable and valuable knowledge about an Islamic family life.
  • Anyone who wishes to follow an intensive and authorized course.
  • Anyone who would like to fulfill the obligation of acquiring knowledge.
  • Anyone who would like to learn how to apply this knowledge in practice on a daily basis.
  • Anyone who has the opportunity to acquire knowledge once a week.

Goals & Method


Through this training, the Institute strives to…

  • To attain the satisfaction and pleasure of Allaah subhaanahu wa-ta3aalaa
  • To provide the Muslims with their obligation of acquiring knowledge in order to save themselves from the worldly and the hereafter punishment
  • To improve the ummah from the root and create the basis for a good and healthy ummah of taqwaa and akhlaaq

Teaching method

  • The student will be motivated to deal with the seeking of knowledge in a concentrated and serious manner.
  • The subject matters will be discussed in class together with the teacher.
  • After explaining each topic, the teacher will then offer the opportunity for posing questions.
  • By turning in homework each week, the student is tested and monitored on how they handle the taught knowledge.
  • In addition to submitting weekly homework, students are periodically expected to write and submit a summary.
  • After the homework is turned in, questions are asked of the students about the previous lessons. This enables the teacher to assess the students’ level of understanding and respond accordingly.
  • The student also learns which terms and words he should use and how this knowledge should be formulated.
  • All of the Institute’s courses, in addition to ‘Education’, stand first and foremost for the ‘Islamic Upbringing’ (Tarbiyah). In addition to acquiring knowledge, attention is also paid to practicing the knowledge, Islamic norms and values.
  • By applying an Islamic Tarbiyah centered approach, the student will learn how to put the norms and values into practice towards the teacher, fellow students, other Muslims and non-Muslims in their environment.


Study Load and Subjects

Study Load

The student is required

  • To be present in class every week
  • Spend an average of four hours a week at home on self-study for studying the course material and doing homework.

Course offerings

The following subjects are taught in this course:

  • Islamic relationship course;
  • Child upbringing;
  • Children’s first aid course.

For the first two subjects, various Islamic books are used by the teacher. The first aid course is a practical part taught by an authorized trainer, for both brothers and the sisters separately.

Review and Follow-up


Every week, the student receives homework assignments from the various subjects for the following week. The homework and the effort determines 50% of the final grade for the subject in question. In order to successfully complete the course, the student must have obtained at least a pass for each subject (on average). This course includes both homework assignments and other written tests.

Diploma and follow-up options

When the program has been completed successfully, the student will receive a certificate. Through this training the Muslim will be enabled to:

  • prepare correctly for a good marriage and a good upbringing of future children;
  • to improve his family life and the upbringing of his children;
  • to contribute to the improvement of the ummah;
  • and to apply first aid to children.